Our Community

We are a community of Roman Catholic women whom Jesus has graciously called to be Trappist Cistercian nuns. He invites us into deep simplicity, solitude, and sacrifice, as well as to abundant loving-kindness, freedom, and joy!
Hidden from popular sight but exposed to our own personal need for mercy, we are called to seek Jesus in our particular community and specific place. In this ordinary yet sacred way, we get to participate in Christ’s work for the fruitfulness of the Church and world.
Our community members vary in age, background, viewpoint, and personality, and we hope that Jesus will continue to expand and enrich us with both diversity and unity in the Holy Spirit!
Located on a high bluff-top in the Upper Mississippi River Valley of northeastern Iowa, surrounded by hundreds of acres of rolling fields and woodlands, we cherish our monastic land as both a holy refuge and profound responsibility.
Monastic Life
Monastic life according to the Rule of St Benedict rests on a tripod of three activities: prayer, holy reading, and work. The monastic day moves back and forth between these activities.

Faithfully observing God’s teaching in the monastery until death, we shall through patience share in the sufferings of Christ that we may deserve also to share in his kingdom.
Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue
Values and Vows

If we want to reach the highest summit of humility, if we desire to attain speedily that exaltation in heaven to which we climb by the humility of this present life, then let us set up that ladder on which Jacob in a dream saw angels descending and ascending. Now the ladder erected is our life on earth, and if we humble our hearts the Lord will raise it to heaven.
RB, Chapter 7 “Humility”
So important is silence that permission to speak should seldom be granted even to mature disciples.
RB, Chapter 6 “Restraint of Speech”
The monk makes these promises in the presence of all, in the oratory: stability, conversion of life, and obedience.
RB, Chapter 58 “Receiving Monks”

No one is to do what she judges better for herself, but rather what is better for the other.
RB, Chapter 72 “On Good Zeal”
Stay in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything.
Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Conversion of life
Progressing in this way of life [“conversion”] and in faith, we will run in the way of God’s commandments, our hearts expanding with the unspeakable sweetness of love.
RB, Prologue