Around the Abbey

Sr. Joan’s Golden Jubilee

On February 5th, the feast of St. Agatha, Sr. Mary Joan Garrity celebrated 50 years of monastic profession.  Mass and renewal of her vows  were celebrated at 10:30 AM in the Abbey Church.  It was followed by a celebration dinner.  Sr. Joan, a foundress of our community, has lived in our woods as a hermit for over 30 years.  Each morning she comes to Mass with the community.  Most of her day is spent in solitude and silence.  She faithfully works at the candy factory; shrink wrapping each box of candy that is produced.  She virtually does this job single-highhandedly while no one else is there.  If you have purchased our candy Sr. Joan has put the shrink wrap on your box.  Sr. Joan has several siblings including her identical twin sister Judy.  Sr. Joan always has a big smile for anyone she meets.