Old Friends
This past month we have had several OCSO visitors. The first was Sr. Sheryl Chen one of our sisters who joined our foundation of Tautra Mariakloster. She speaks fluent Norwegian and became a Norwegian citizen. She came to visit for several days on her way to Los Angeles to visit her elderly parents. She brought with her a hand painted silk scarf that Sr. Brigit of Tautra Mariakloster painted as a gift for her mother. The sisters sell these scarves in their gift shop. Sr. Brigit paints them free style with no pattern or sketch. Amazing!
Next was Sr. Mary Ellen from Wrentham. She came to give our AIC (associates) members their yearly retreat. Sr. Mary Ellen gave us our community retreat last year. She is a wonderful retreat director. Sadly she could only stay 24 hours but it was so good seeing her again.
Lastly, we have Fr. Brendan as our retreat director for this year. Fr. Brendan is currently superior at Holy Trinity Abbey in Utah. He was formerly abbot of New Melleray for 30 years. The retreat conferences are on the interior life of a monk or nun. They are very insightful and thought provoking.