Around the Abbey

Lectures and a Junior Seminar Attendee

Last week we spent 4 days enthralled with the eight lectures that Rose Marie Tillisch presented on topics that mainly centered around the teachings of St. Bernard of Clarviaux.  There were a few diversions, one being on the art and letters of Hildegard of Bingen.  Rose Marie explained the symbolisms in the drawings that are not immediately available.  Examples from her letters illustrated a personality that was strong, vibrant, and persuasive.
Rose Marie is on the faculty of The University of Copenhagen and is a full time Luthern pastor at a parish in Copenhagen. She was also a stage and screen actress and this past experience shown forth in her exuberant lectures.

Our sister Anna left this morning to attend the Junior Seminar at our monastery, Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey in Wrentham MA.  Juniors from our houses in the US gather every year for the seminar at one of our monasteries.  The topics this year include St. Bernard of Clarvaiux prented by M. Maureen of Wrentham and the Cistercian vows presented by Fr. Augustine Roberts of Spencer.