Around the Abbey

Advent Companions I

At the Abbey, “Christmas” decorations and celebrations don’t arrive until December 25, giving the sisters the entire season of Advent to wait and pray. Each year, Advent’s liturgy provides us with strong and wise companions for the journey.

John the Baptist

The message of the first few weeks of Advent is: Be Ready! Jesus is coming! John the Baptist was a messenger to so many of the people of Jesus’ time and he is still calling to us today. He calls out loud what our conscience tugs from within.

Do we wish for a clean slate religious life? Let’s stop sweeping all those faults under the rug, but be done with them! Now is the time to live new…Jesus is coming.

This exterior nudge of John’s message, along with his ceremonial washing with water was all that his followers needed to turn their lives to righteousness and their hearts to openness – to become receptive to Jesus when he came.

What in my life needs to change so I can be more ready for Jesus? Let’s let the message of John the Baptist inspire us…the time is now!